
Babka Twitch Extension

twitch extension


The Babka Twitch Extension serves as a key touchpoint for Babka, providing users with an interactive experience on the Twitch platform through a game-like format, where players can earn NFT drops and engage with them within Babka’s inventory.

The inventory, referred to as Babka Drops, is a tool that enables influencers to offer their audiences in-game bonuses through the exchange of drops.


Designer, Analytic, Developer, Project Manager.


In order to drive traffic to, a new channel is proposed to be created that would generate Babka Drops. These drops can be obtained by users through active engagement with the extension, and can subsequently be exchanged for in-game bonuses within the Babka’s inventory. This strategy would not only boost Babka traffic but also increase user engagement and retention, providing a valuable revenue stream.

Role & Process

Product designer

As the only designer for the Babka Twitch Extension, I was responsible for its full development from concept to implementation. My contributions included the creation of a visually cohesive style, as well as the development of a UI kit that ensured scalability and adherence to the Babka brand guidelines.

My primary focus was on the user experience, which involved the development of project architecture, user flow, wireframes, prototypes, and final design.

Design Process

design process

Project Background

As a designer, my passion for the gaming industry and my observations of user behavior on platforms like Twitch were the driving force behind this project. Twitch has become an integral part of the modern gaming industry, with users engaging with it for a variety of reasons such as meeting new people, supporting their favorite teams and players, learning, relaxing, listening to music and many more.

The project aimed to create an additional channel for Babka Drops, which serves as a tool for influencers to offer their audiences in-game bonuses through the exchange of drops. These bonuses can include keys, coupons, virtual currency, virtual goods, promo codes, bundles, premium access, additional content, or even skins, all of which can be obtained by interacting with Babka Twitch Extension.

As part of the MVP, Babka Twitch Extension was designed as an interface featuring a game, after which users are awarded with a drop. This approach aimed to increase user engagement and retention, while also providing a valuable revenue stream.


Given the constraints of limited resources, the MVP version was developed by conducting competitor analysis and gathering data from existing extensions that employed similar mechanics.


User Flow

Based on the findings from research and a subsequent brainstorming session, I developed a user flow diagram to identify the essential features for the project.

user flow

Wireframing & Prototyping

After gaining approval for the user flow, I employed Figma to create high-fidelity screens that connected the key functions outlined in the user flow. Through this process, I was able to effectively link all the functionality of the product into a cohesive user experience.

By incorporating input and inspiration from stakeholders, I was able to ensure that the final product met the needs and expectations of all parties involved. This allowed for a streamlined development process and a cohesive, user-centered final product.

wireframing & prototyping 1


I developed the user experience and then moved on to the visual design stage. The Babka Twitch Extension uses the same visual style as the main Babka product. My previous work on the Babka UI Kit made it easy to put together the final design for the Extension.

By using the established visual style of the main product, the Extension’s design is consistent with the overall brand guidelines and provides a consistent user experience. This made the design process more efficient and resulted in a cohesive final product.



With the successful launch of the MVP version, we have established an additional channel for Babka. However, this is just the beginning. Our next critical step is to conduct a thorough series of tests and research to gain a deep understanding of the development vector and make informed decisions on how to move forward. We are doubling down on our efforts to conduct these studies to ensure the continued success and growth of this channel.